Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Evans writes bs letter to parents about school saftey

Evans writes a letter to parents ensuring them that their school district is safe from harm.

Grimshaw and Evans blame parents for disruptive children; wants them to monitor their Facebook activity

Here is the article in question.

This is a very interesting read.  In the first page of the article, Evans and Grimshaw blame Facebook for having drama and other problems that students are posting about.  Evans failed to bring up at least one incident of anything linked to Facebook.  Both Evans and Grimshaw agree to having the students' Facebook accounts monitored by parents.  Talk about huge privacy issues.  

The second page of the article splits off into blaming the parents for the students' disruptive behavior.  Both Evans and Grimshaw blames that the problems start at home and that the parents and students would need to work with their school in order to resolve the problem.

Smooth move, Burlington Community School District.  Same goes with the 4+ students who committed suicide in the West Burlington School District.

Hoelzon talks about how students wouldn't be fighting if there is no crowd watching them.  That is crap.  Students will dish it out whether there is anyone there or not.  Someone aggravated enough would be willing to attack them whether in a crowd or not.

As for the 'bathroom moderating', get the hell out of the bathrooms, punk.  There is no reason for this person to 'investigate' an opposite sex's bathroom.  That goes beyond policy.